
Golden Dwarf Sweet Flag Plant – Acorus – Terrarium/Fairy Garden – 2.5″ Pot

(4 customer reviews)




Despite the long, tongue-twisting name, the dwarf golden sweet flag is one of the most striking and certainly the cutest of the acorus. The tufts of tiny, golden, ornamental grass-like, evergold foliage make a slowly spreading patch to 2′ wide in 5 years. If you get out the magnifying glass, you’ll notice the tiny aroid-like tan spadices (flowers) in early summer. Acorus ‘Minimus Aureus’ is a bright, deer-resistant, dwarf evergreen perennial groundcover in moist shady areas where it makes either a feature specimen or a killer filler between dark stepping stones…a real highlight in the woodland garden. Also an excellent house plant for terrariums and fairy gardens.