
Eclair Early-Season Strawberry 10 Plants – Large/Sweet Berries – Bare Root

(4 customer reviews)




‘Éclair’ is a great new Strawberry selection. This new gourmet berry is creating quite a stir at farmer’s markets and preliminary trials across the nation are drawing raves as well. Fragrant, sweet, and juicy, with hints of raspberry and citrus, it should become the berry-of-choice for discriminating strawberry connoisseurs. Its unique taste is quickly becoming a favorite of those who have tasted it!! This “short day” or “Junebearing” variety has early season productivity of med-large, wedge shaped, extremely sweet berries, with medium firm flesh. The variety is resistant or very tolerant of garden soil diseases. With parent stock consisting of both “Junebearing” and “everbearing” varieties, it will produce fruit longer in to the season than ‘Sequoia’ and other “Junebearing” varieties.