5-Pack (1/4OZ) 18,000+ seeds of Asian Summer Green Seeds; total 18,000+ seeds. You will receive five separate ziplock poly bags, clearly labeled, containing: 1/4-OZ Red Striped Leaf Amaranth 紅莧菜, 7,000++ seeds 1/4-OZ Dwarf Canton Pak Choi 廣東矮腳奶白菜, 4,000+ seeds 1/4-OZ Shanghai Pak Choi 上海青江菜, about 2,000 seeds 1/4-OZ Yu Choi (You Cai Xin; Choy Sum) 油菜心, 3,000+ seeds 1/4-OZ Chinese GaiLan (Kailaan) 中國芥蘭, about 2,000 seeds You can view full detailed description for each specific variety. Note our regular size packet has 1/4 OZ (7.1 grams) worth of seeds. Summer Mix Blend is our most popular greens blend, where over 1200 packets were sold during calendar year 2020. So buy with confidence!!! Five separate packets give you the flexibility to create five sections of veggie beds earmarked for each variety. Some Growing Tips: – You can cover 50-100+ sqft of garden beds with these 10 grams of seeds, so do not over-seed unless you want to harvest lots of baby greens. – prepare garden bed with well drained fertile soil with lots of organic matters; turn/till the soil at least 4″ deep – ideal sowing time is from mid spring to mid summer (in Chicago zone 5B, it would be mid May to mid August), note amaranth prefers high heat and high humidity – prefer full sun, or partial shade in hot summer / scorching heat areas. – sow the seeds directly into your garden plot (broadcast or in rows 4″ apart), – spread the seeds over 100 sqft area, then cover the seeds with 1/4″ fine soil. – keep the soil moist (but not soggy) for about a week and the seeds will germinate quickly when daytime temperature is above 70F. – for green thumbs, you can cover the soil surface with clear poly for 2-4 days, as the poly will retain heat & moisture, hence speed up the germination dramatically. – to extend your veggie harvest, consider sow just half the seeds initially, and sow the other half couple weeks later. – amaranth can be harvested by cutting the stem right above the first “branch”, new shoots will emerge, second harvest possible in another 2-3 weeks – if too crowded after 3rd week, thin out the crowded areas and enjoy them as baby greens – if worms & insects are feasting on the greens, try spray neem oil mix once a week, avoid using chemical pesticides if all possible. – the harvest sequence is roughly Yu Choi, Amaranth, Dwarf Canton Pak Choi, Shanghai Pak Choi, and lastly Gailan – make efficient use of the veggie beds by planting three crops for the whole growing season: spring mix, summer mix and autumn mix – happy with the harvest? please send us pictures and we will be glad to use them on future listings (with your permission of course)
Carolyn –
I haven’t had a chance to plant the seeds yet, but they were shipped very quickly and the portions were generous!
Loula Gregg –
The seeds arrived punctually and well packed, thank you. I have to wait some time before I can plant the seeds. When I have living results I will write again to let you know how the plants in their seeds develop.
Carolyn –
I haven’t had a chance to plant the seeds yet, but they were shipped very quickly and the portions were generous!
Slow Fashion –
Started soaking 10 seeds and 8 sprouted!