
2000 Seeds 5-gram TAIWAN GREEN Bunching Onion seeds; Allium fistulosum; 台灣北蔥; 青蔥

(4 customer reviews)




2000 Seeds 5-gram TAIWAN GREEN Bunching Onion seeds; Allium fistulosum; 台灣北青蔥 Germination rate 85%; tested 01/2019. Mature in 120 days. 生長溫度. 北蔥:23~30℃。 蔥的發芽溫度為15~30℃,以20℃最為合適。 蔥之開花抽苔 北蔥:稍低溫即抽苔。 土壤: 蔥最適宜的土壤為富含有機質的壤土,在這樣的土壤當中所生長的蔥,蔥白肉質細緻,柔軟而純白,品質佳;砂土、礫土所生產之蔥肉質硬而品質劣。但不論何種土質,排水都必須良好否則蔥白與根容易腐爛。 北蔥:因性喜濕地亦名水蔥,以台灣北部栽培最多,故名北蔥,亦有麥蔥之稱。目前以南部栽培最多,而北部逐漸被四季蔥取代。 本品種較耐熱、耐濕、忌乾旱,適於夏季栽培。北蔥自國歷12月中旬起就會陸續開花,播種期為3~9月,市場供應為6~11月,一般以種子繁殖。 採收: 北蔥定植後約100~120天即可採收。

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5 grams, 20 grams



4 reviews for 2000 Seeds 5-gram TAIWAN GREEN Bunching Onion seeds; Allium fistulosum; 台灣北蔥; 青蔥

  1. fennyli

    Planted for two weeks now. No sprout

  2. threehumpcamel

    Oh my. So many seeds!

    Everything was packaged well and shipped out very quickly. The ones I planted have all germinated. Definitely will be back to purchase from this shop in the future.

  3. Josh Muglia

    My seeds all came in a timely manner, they look great, they’re clearly labeled, and I’m very pleased with my purchase.

  4. K E V I N

    I love bunching onions and I am super excited to sow grow and harvest these!! Thank you : )

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