
6″ pot Rare Watermelon Peperomia, Peperomia Argyreia




This is a very rare houseplant and the leaves have a stunning resemblance to the skin of a watermelon PROPAGATION INSTRUCTIONS: -Can be done by water OR soil -If desired, you can cut right above my initial cutting on the stem to make a fresh cutting after travel -Pace the tip of the stem in rooting hormone for the best results -Place the freshly cut stem in filtered/distilled water to propagate -Once the roots have developed, you can plant it in potting mix. Place the plant carefully – it prefers bright, indirect light. Water thoroughly but don’t let water sit in the soil and get soggy

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3 Cutting, 5 Cutting, 8 Cutting, 3" Pot, 6" Pot, 4" POT, STARTER PLANT

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